Mental Engineering is produced by 
Porcupine Productions
St. Paul, MN

Catherine Reid Day
  Executive Producer

(651) 387-3333

Mental Engineering

"I have had the supreme satisfaction of having watched your show. Words really do fail me in expressing my satisfaction that your show exists."
Mary Lou McGrath

"Almost too good to be true."
Brooke Hanson

"Too cool for words!".
Emily Schroeder-Orvik

"I've been waiting for years for a program like this to come along."
Max Duckler

"Your show is interesting and important."
Betty Walrond

"Please let me know what I can do to support your show."
Cristina Brito

"I would love to be part of the cult following you're building."
Kimberly Stern

"I saw your show and was amazed. You are basically who I want to be."
David Siddiqui

"I'm attracted to your show because you kill our sacred cows. And that's good for us."
Walker Pearce

'It's like having the Algonquin Round Table in my living room.'
David Wallace

David Esposito

"May I commend you, you are onto something magnificent here."
David Wiley

For more information contact:

Catherine Reid Day


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Last modified: October 28, 2003